All homeowners will eventually be forced face unpleasant pest problems. In order to keep your home free from pest infestations, it is crucial that you fully educate yourself on the best pest control strategies and techniques. You can protect against pet invasions with the right knowledge.
Use steel wool to fill mouse holes. Although rodents can gnaw through a lot of different materials, they are not strong enough to chew the metal strands from steel wool. Seal any small holes and cracks you see. This sort of critter is able to get through very small holes.
Take some time to consider the problem. A good way to deal with a household pest is to eliminate what they live on. One reason you may have a problem is because your house provides food, water or shelter for a pest. Eliminating any entrances to your home and securing any food sources is the first step to dealing with the problem.
Do you find that you are battling ants in your home? Get rid of them by using a mixture of sugar and borax. Sugar attracts the ants, and the borax kills them. To create this mixture, get yourself a quart jar, and use a cup of sugar and a cup of borax. Sprinkle the mixture along the foundation and baseboards of the home.
Do you have mice or other rodents in your house? A crucial thing to do is look at the outside sections of your house to determine what cracks may exist that would allow rodents or small animals to enter. Poison or scouring pads can fill these cracks to solve your problem. Use mustard oil to chase the rodents from your home if they are inside.
Do you have a camper that you store over the winter? If so, then it is possible for mice to live in it. Thankfully, you can use natural repellents to discourage mice from entering and living in your camper. Smaller bags of repellent can smell good and are non-toxic. They are quite effective in preventing mice from residing in your camper or RV.
Try using hairspray to kill any flying insects. It won’t harm your pets but will kill the insects. The hairspray sticks to them, leaving them unable to reach food or water. This is also great to kill bees with.
You need to keep food away from the bugs. Glass and plastic containers with tightly sealed lids are ideal. Don’t use paper or cardboard bags because pests can easily claw or chew through them.
Find out where bugs are coming into your house. For instance, your window may have a tiny gap that allows spiders in or your pets may bring outdoor bugs in. When you know how they’re getting in, you are able to fix things and make sure it does not happen again.
Pest Control
As mentioned before, most people must confront the topic of pest control during their lifetimes. Use the tips for pest control to keep your home free of these unwanted critters. Do not delay, act now!