Is your home so infested with pests that you are having trouble sleeping at night? Are you hearing mystery skittering and crawling that you are unable to identify? Renters and homeowners that discover a pest issue need to deal with it promptly, as it won’t go away by itself. The following article has some helpful hints for you to combat your pest problems.
Use steel wool to fill mouse holes. The metal in this is too tough for the teeth of the rodents. All openings greater than a 1/2 inch must be stuffed. Mice and rats can squeeze through some tiny openings.
Start with the source. Try to keep the pest from eating, and you can starve it out. Pests may like your home because it provides them with shelter, food and water. Seek out sources of food, water and entry points to your home.
Before you purchase a home, have it checked out by a reputable pest control company. Some signs of infestation can be easily recognized, but there are many pests that hide.
Remember that bed bugs are a tricky pest to treat. Bedbugs can go without feeding for a whole year. So it is important to close all points of entry. They will not be able to get into these areas.
Because they are so skilled at hiding, it is hard to eliminate bed bugs. Be sure to seal off any open holes prior to attempting any extermination. Doing this means no bugs can come out after you have exterminated.
If you keep recycling, be certain you rinse out each item well. Many items like soda cans have sugar in them. Be certain to rinse the soda away entirely, guaranteeing that it is clean once stored in the garage or outside the home.
Do a little research on the rodents or insects that have made your house their home. Discover what appeals to these types of rodents and what they are repelled by. Adapting your approach to the pest you are dealing with is the best way to clean your home.
Look for wall and foundation cracks. As a house ages, cracks will pop up in the foundation. These cracks can serve as entry points for pests. In addition, you should check out your ceiling. Pests commonly enter this way.
Unwashed items in your recycle bin can be a common attractant to pests. You should store your recycling outside the house if you can. If you cannot do this, make sure all containers are completely rinsed. It is best to use sealed recycling containers whenever you get rid of your garbage so that you don’t attract pests.
If you are having a problem with silverfish, this tip may prove quite useful. Take a wet newspaper and leave it out overnight. Certain people claim that the silverfish were on the newspaper in the morning. Work quickly to ensure that you are able to grab the newspaper and get it outside or to a trash bag before they run and escape.
It does not matter if you are a renter or a home owner, you would not want to share your home with pests. Use the advice offered in the article above to help you treat your pest problem. You have the power to rid your home of pests if you get started now, before it gets even worse.