If your home is infested with scorpions, bees or other dangerous pests, it is important that you get professional help to control it. These can be deadly for small children or pets. You don’t want to expose potentially deadly threat to them.
A sad story about a Las Vegas Metropolitan Police dog was revealedon June 17. The 12-year-old Belgian Malinois, named Mickey, was attacked by a swarm of bees around 5 a.m. at his home. Three other police dogs were attacked as well. They are currently alive and being treated at a local veterinarian hospital. Unfortunately, Mickey did not make it out alive. There were so many bees that Mickey simply couldn’t survive the attack.
Officer Mel English, Mickey’s handler, explained that the bond between an officer and his or her dog is much stronger than any other bond. It is unexplainable, even to dog lovers. Officers spend more time with their dogs than anyone else. They are working together 40 a week in addition to playing and bonding at home.
English stated, “My best friend in the world is my wife. I actually saw Mickey [more than I saw] her.”
Officer English described the attack as horrific. It could have been a scene in a horror movie. English described the attack “as a diesel motor when it puffs black smoke. I could hear the hum. They came at me and attacked me.”
The officer was stung about 30 times himself as he tried to save the dog’s life from the bee swarm. Metro Lt. John Pelletiere called it a heroic act. He stated, “Mel actually had to take his arm and scrape hundreds of bees off each and every dog.”
Fellow officers and his family helped rush him and the four dogs to the hospital.
English later explained that Mickey saved his life everyday on the job. He would keep him away from any armed suspects. English stated, “Every day I went on the street and used Mickey in the capacity he was trained [for]. [That was a day] I look back on and am extremely grateful for.” Mickey began his career as a police dog in 2005. He retired in March this year.
The three dogs and Officer English are alive and doing okay so far. He is going to have pest control take care of the bee problem before returning home. He wants to ensure that this incident won’t happen again.
The family and fellow K-9 officers will be holding a funeral for Mickey.
It is important to consistently get your house sprayed for any pests that may intrude your home. If you have an ongoing problem with any particular pest you need to get professional help. It is not safe to wait as it can have deadly repercussions. You, your family and your pet’s safety is too important. R & C Pest Control can take care of any Las Vegas pests that may infest your home. Be proactive and get professional help before the problem gets worse. For more information, contact 702.257.2847.