Pest Control Tips For Novices And Experts

As a homeowner, one of the most annoying problem you may encounter is pests. Pests come in all varieties. They can be raccoons, ants or flies. Some of them, like termites, can even damage your home. Read these tips to rid yourself of these annoying and damaging pests.

Do you have an issue where fruit flies keep appearing? You may have a problem with your drain. To test this you just need to cover your drains with something that is transparent and watch for fruit flies. If some do appear, drop boiling water into the drain and then scrub well. That will kill off the breeding cycle which was going on.

Try using pesticides around the foundation of your home. Make sure to spray the foundation along with areas around windows and doors. Keep your eyes open for cracks around the exterior of the home. Seal up these areas using caulk.

If you are wondering if you have termites, get a dog that can smell them. Humans can only check about a 30% of your home’s surface area for termite infestations. A properly trained dog can check out one hundred percent of your home. The reason that dogs can do this is because they can smell methane gas which occurs when termites destroy wood.

If you wish to have vegetation near your home, you should keep them a minimum of one foot from the perimeter of your home. Numerous insects can enter your home through this brush, regardless of what you try to do. By putting brushes too close to windows or other openings where bugs can enter, you have a good chance of bugs coming in.

Mint is a great deterrent for keeping mice away. Go around the whole foundation of your house and plant mint. This makes your home less than desirable to mice. When you sprinkle mint leaves in various areas of your home, it will keep mice away. This can get rid of most mouse problems; just remember to use fresh leaves.

Automated pest control products are extremely useful. These are placed in your home and buzz to scare rodents away. Humans cannot hear the sound, and it does not harm pets or humans in any way. Rodents dislike the noise a lot, and won’t stay near it.

Get rid of fallen trees in your yard. Cut the trunk and the branches for firewood. This can be used in your home, but if you don’t want to use it, then sell or give it away. Don’t neglect the stump though. Termites will make a beeline for the stump if it just left outside.

Try to block out mosquitoes from coming into your living area. Eliminate standing water anyplace you can. Mosquitoes can breed in places that have water, like food cans or anything that can hold a little water.

No matter what kind of pests you have, you want to make sure you get rid of them as quickly as you can. Using the above tips will help you with pest control efficiently. Keep this information in mind, and you can be rid of pests in no time.