Even if your home is barely furnished and modest, it’s not a good thing to be living around pests. If this is something you are dealing with, keep reading. The sooner it’s dealt with, the sooner the pests will be gone.
DO you have a fruit fly issue? You may be breeding them right in your home. Place some plastic wrap on a drain to see if small flies or other bugs appear. If the fruit flies return, boil some water and pour it down the drain, then scrub the drain thoroughly. This should prevent them from breeding in there.
An easy way to kill any flying bug in your home is to douse it with hairspray until it falls. The spray contains chemicals that will kill bugs and scents that prevent their return.
Pest Control
Look into local regulations or ordinances when deciding on methods and chemicals to consider using for pest control. Make sure that you do not use anything that is illegal. It should motivate you to find out the right pest control methods.
In order to prevent insects from coming inside, use a perimeter spray outside. Spray around the foundation, porches, steps and anything near a door or a window. Keep your eyes open for cracks around the exterior of the home. Use caulk or some other filling product to seal these areas.
It is very difficult to get rid of bedbugs. Bedbugs do not have to eat for a full year. Therefore, you should ensure that any openings in the floors and walls are kept closed. The bugs won’t have anywhere to hide when their sanctuary is sealed off.
Bedbugs are tough to eliminate due to their ability to hide. All holes should be sealed before beginning any type of extermination. This way, bugs have no place to hide.
Are you dealing with ants? Use a mix of borax and sugar to eradicate them. While the smell of sugar will attract them, the borax will kill them. Use a quart jar with equal parts of each. Poke holes through the lid and then sprinkle the mixture around the foundation of your home and along baseboards.
When you plant bushes around your house, be sure to leave 12 inches of clearance. Many insects will take up residence here, regardless of the preventative measures you take. If bushes are near your windows or any other point of entrance, bugs will come off the bushes into your house.
If you recycle every week, be sure to rinse out the bins thoroughly. Anything that has a high sugar content, like a pop can, especially needs attention. The soda needs to be rinsed clean before anything is put inside the garage.
A healthy home shouldn’t be besieged by rodents and insects. Apply what you’ve read here, and start living without these intruders. Bugs shouldn’t surround you in your home. Use the advice above to help you rid your home of these pesky pests for good.