Have you see evidence suggesting that something is residing in your cabinets? Are you worried about those little scurrying sounds you hear in the walls? If you have, then pests might be the source of the problem. This article contains some helpful hints for taking care of pests.
Use steel wool to fill up mouse holes. Even though mice and rats can chew through a number of materials, these fine strands of metal are too tough for their teeth. Stuff any opening that is bigger than one half inch. Mice and rats can squeeze through some tiny openings.
Use an outside perimeter spray to prevent indoor insects. Spray all around steps, porches, foundation and even windows and doors. Watch for cracks as you spray. Use a filler such as caulk to seal the area.
It is very difficult to get rid of bedbugs. Bedbugs can hibernate an entire year. For this reason, you need to make sure you seal all holes and cracks in your floors and walls. This makes it impossible for bedbugs to hide.
Inspect your home for standing water which may be in hidden areas. Standing water is something that pests are highly attracted to. Make sure you have no leaky pipes and keep all standing water under control. Since pests need water in order to live, getting rid of excess water will make your home less desirable for them.
Keep up with leaks around your home. Pests need water and are attracted to leaks. They can sense drips and leaking in pipes. Don’t contribute to your pest invasion. A small amount of work can remove the possibility of rats or other rodents invading the house.
Fleas are stubborn and it can be hard to make them disappear, but luckily there are ways to rid your home of them. The first thing you should do is vacuum thoroughly every day. Secondly, you must spray with a good flea spray. Don’t forget to throw the vacuum bag in the trash outside when you’re done vacuuming.
It is important to have your home checked for pests on a regular basis. If any part of your house is underground, subterranean termites may eat some of your home that you aren’t in that often. Get basements and crawl spaces checked out.
Now, the pest problem is one step closer to ending. Take what you have learned and evict the pests from your home. It could take a while, but eventually all those little scurrying sounds in your ceiling will recede, and you will have a good night’s sleep.