Households all over the world are constantly being victimized by common pests. These pests belong outside. Reading this article can give you the help you need to get rid of pests. Keep reading to learn how to shoo pests right out of your living space.
Steel Wool
Use steel wool to fill up any hole that any pest is using as an entrance. Rodents such as mice and rats are known to be able to chew through almost anything, but steel wool will stop them dead in their tracks. Fill in any space more than half an inch. These animals can squeeze through extremely small openings.
Start out at the beginning. If you have trouble with pests, figure out what they’re eating. Pests are in the house because they have access to food, water and comfort. Get rid of anything the might be attracting the pests.
Find out what the ordinances and codes in your building are to find out what is allowed for pest control. Sometimes, the use of a locally banned substance can end up hurting you if you end up selling your home later. Be sure to look into any type of chemical you are planning on using to make certain it’s allowed in your community, city and state.
Are you having problems with ants around the house? Mixing borax and sugar together will kill those ants dead. They are drawn to the sugar, while the borax will prove lethal. Use a quart jar with equal parts of each. Poke holes through the lid and then sprinkle the mixture around the foundation of your home and along baseboards.
Clear away brush from the perimeter of your home. Many types of insects call this brush home. Placing it closer will bring the bugs to you inside.
This article described a few effective methods in dealing with your pest problem. It’s not always necessary to use poison or hire an exterminator for eliminating pests from your home. You will be well on the way to living a pest free life after reading this article.