Useful Tips To Help You Conquer A Pest Problem

Are you having trouble with pests in your home? Are these annoying creatures too much to handle? Pests can decrease the enjoyment of your home. Depending on what kind you have, they can also cause sanitary and health problems. Keep reading to discover the best ways to handle pest issues.

Use steel wool to fill any rodent holes. Rodents are unable to chew through the steel fibers. Use steel wool to clog any opening more than 1/2 inch in width. These rodents can come through small areas.

Hairspray is great for eliminating bees and wasps. The hairspray kills the insects, and the residual odor repels new ones from emerging.

Make sure you understand applicable codes and regulations regarding pest control methods. If you are planning to sell your home, don’t make the mistake of spraying illegal chemicals all around. Be sure to look into any type of chemical you are planning on using to make certain it’s allowed in your community, city and state.

If you have a brown recluse spider issue, try catching them using sticky traps. These spiders are poisonous and difficult to kill with pest-repellent chemicals. Spiders come out during the night to eat. Key areas for placing traps are behind furniture and on walls.

Make sure that your thoroughly inspect your home for standing water that might not be obvious. Many pests, including mosquitoes, are attracted to stagnant water. Look around for any leaky pipes. Also, look for any plants that have standing water around the trays. Pests require water to thrive, so getting rid of it will make it that much harder for pests to live in your home.

When you put bushes around your house, put them about 12 inches away from your home at minimum. Brush is a natural home to many insects and there is no way to prevent this. By placing the brush within close proximity of the home, you run the risk of these insects invading through windows or doors.

Mint can be useful in dealing with mice. Just plant mint all around your foundation. Mice will not feel that your location is desirable. If mice is living in your home, you can sprinkle mint leaves all around the area where you see signs of mice. This usually repels mice, but you must always use fresh mint leaves.

Outdoor Lighting

Outdoor lighting makes it easy for people to find your home at night and deters thieves, but it is also a beacon for pests. If you must have outdoor lighting, try using bulbs that are pink, yellow or orange in tint, as these tend to attract pests much less.

Pest control happens to be a very wealthy industry. But you can solve most issues yourself for little money if you are proactive enough. Review these tips with any re-occurrence of pest problems. When catching the issue early, there will be no need to spend so much on an exterminator. Use efficient methods, be wise if you choose to use pesticides and remember to keep your home clean so the pest does not come back.