Tips for Avoiding Bed Bugs on Vacation, Part 1

Las Vegas Commercial Pest ControlIf you are sleeping somewhere other than your home, beware. Bedbugs prevalence is on the rise, and motels and hotels are some of their most favorite hangouts. These critters can cause severe itching and welt-like bites, and it is very costly to get rid of them if they follow you back to your home. Research also suggests they can cause financial distress, anxiety, and social isolation. No need to get depressed yet! Just follow these tips to avoid bedbugs while you’re on the road.

Check out the Bathroom

Before you check out the nice view from the hotel room, or the stocked minibar, take your luggage to the bathroom. Bedbugs are least likely to be found in there, because they don’t like tile floors and there aren’t as many places to hide. They like to be closer to where people are sleeping. If your luggage is in the bathroom and you do find a hotel infested with bedbugs, you will be less likely to take them home with you.

Inspect the bed

Here’s how to check for a bedbug infestation: pull back the linens, and check all the way around the mattress, as well as under it. Next, check behind the headboard. You may also want to look for blood stains or small black dots that look like mold or ground pepper. Bedbugs are about the size and shape of an appleseed, and you may find them hiding in the corners or seams of bedding. If you see any suspicious signs, contact hotel staff immediately.

Check the rest of the room

Once you have finished inspecting the bed, you may want to broaden your search to the area surrounding the bed. Look behind picture frames, under telephones and alarm clocks, and even in books. Studies have shown that most bedbugs are found in or within 15 feet of a bed, but some may even be further away. Check in couch cushions and seams, and in the closet before you put your clothes away.

Keep your Luggage off the Ground

Leaving bags and suitcases on the floor or even on a spare bed may be one way to bring home unwanted souvenirs. Bedbugs can travel from room to room, so even if you don’t have them initially, they could be in the room next to yours and they may come looking for meal sources. For your entire trip, keep your bags on the desktop, on top of the dresser, or on a luggage rack in the room. Don’t leave your clothes lying out, either.

These tips will help you avoid bedbugs if a hotel happens to have them when you arrive. Nobody wants to deal with these pesky critters, and even worse, nobody wants to bring them home and have to get professional help to remove them! If you believe you have a pest problem, contact Las Vegas Pest Control immediately for more information. We can help you rid your home of unwanted pest guests.