Finding out you have pests is troubling. Not having the slightest idea how to go about fixing the problem can be even worse. Thankfully, you have stumbled upon the right article that will assist you in eliminating them. Read on to learn some approaches that may work in your situation.
Steel wool is a great way to deter mice and other critters. Rodents can bite through a lot but this might be cause an issue for them. Openings measuring more than 1/2 an inch need stuffing. Rodents can fit through incredibly small openings.
Keep your rugs well vacuumed to eradicate pests in the home. Vacuuming gathers up all of the ants from within the rooms, as well as small pieces of trash or food that may attract more outsiders. Make sure to throw the bag away when complete.
Try using hairspray to get rid of bees, hornets, or wasps. There are alot of different ways to kill bugs and you will get rid of new ones as well.
Use a perimeter spray if you want to keep bugs away from your home. In addition to the foundation, you should spray porches, patios, steps and around windows and doors. When spraying, look for small cracks where pests can come in. Use caulk or the right kind of filler to seal these areas.
Do you find that you are battling ants in your home? Combat it with a mixture of borax and sugar. The sweet sugar attracts ants and the borax then kills them. Use a quart jar with equal parts of each. Place holes in that lid, then sprinkle it along your foundation and baseboards.
Seal off any cracks or crevices pests can use as an entryway into your home. Pests can get into your home through these cracks. Getting them sealed will block pests from getting inside.
Outdoor Lighting
Outdoor lighting is wonderful for entertaining and to divert strangers from your home, but these lights can attract pests. Use light bulbs that emit a tint of orange, pink or yellow for outdoor lighting because bugs are not attracted to them.
Allow mosquitoes no place to hang out around your home. Make sure to get rid of any standing water. Mosquitoes like to breed at spots with water and don’t need large quantities of liquid to do so.
Use hairspray to get rid of flying insects. Hairspray is safe for you and your pets, but not for flying insects. The pests will become sticky with the hairspray and won’t be able to get to water or food. If you have a bee flying around, this method can help prevent it from getting too close to you.
Now you should be prepared to combat any little pests that are driving you insane. Get started as soon as possible and do not stop until the pest is gone. In time, you’ll notice that the pests are no longer around, which means you can relax again.