Love Your Pests? A Las Vegas Pest Control Peace Offering

When it comes to pests, no one hates them quite like we do at R&C Pest Control. After all, we’ve made it our mission to eradicate harmful pests from your home or business. But February is here and Valentine’s Day has gotten us in the loving mood. So we thought we’d share some positive information on pests it’s okay to love. No need to call your Las Vegas pest control professional about these friendly guys.

Pests to LoveNice bugs

Honeybees: Sure, they have that stinger that isn’t a whole lot of fun if you ever come in contact with it, but honeybees are pretty important to flowers and other plants because they’re responsible for pollination. So when you’re picking up those Valentine’s Day flowers, be sure to thank the honeybee.

Praying Mantis: They may look kinda creepy, but these guys are pretty useful to have around (no need to call Las Vegas pest control!). The praying Mantis eats mosquitos, mites, aphids and other harmful insects. In fact, you can even order the bugs through catalogs!

Ladybugs: As useful as they are pretty, you’ll want to keep your ladybugs around. These polka-dotted sweeties are great for controlling aphids around the house and in the garden.

Spined Soldier Bug: While this little critter might look pretty frightening, he’s no reason to call for Las Vegas pest control service. The spined soldier bug eats loopers, beetles and harmful worms. Keep him around for the sake of your plants!

Crickets: Not only are these little guys not harmful, but crickets will also sing you to sleep! They rub their legs together to produce a sound that warns other males away from their lover, and even sing a post-mating song. How romantic!

Las Vegas Pest Control that Gets the Job Done!

Of course, it’s hard to feel romantic this time of year if you’ve got some UNFRIENDLY bugs around. Give R & C a call for all of your Las Vegas pest control needs.

DIY Pest Control Tips for a Bug-Free New Year!

DIY Pest Control Have you been living too long with pest control problems? This year, make sure one of your resolutions includes getting rid of those pests and living in a clean, calm environment. Getting a visit from R and C Pest Control can make all the difference in your 2014. After we eliminate any infestations, start practicing these DIY pest control tips to help make sure the end of 2014 is as joyous (and pest-free) as the beginning!

DIY Pest Control for a Happier New Year

Schedule the pantry cleaning: When was the last time you cleaned out your pantry or food cupboard? If you have to think about it, you may not be doing it often enough. Mark your calendar to give your pantry a clean sweep once each season. This means tossing out old, stale foods, wiping up crumbs and checking for signs of pests. Old food can attract any number of household pests, like pantry moths, ants, mice and roaches.

Keep food in sealed containers: That open cereal box might not be cutting it in the packaging department. To further safeguard your pantry and cupboards against unwanted pests, keep all open foods in air-tight containers. This includes cereal, crackers, flour and other baking ingredients.

Close up drafts and cracks: This DIY pest-control tip wipes out two birds (maybe pigeons!) with one stone. By sealing up cracks in your doors, window casings and baseboards, you’ll not only improve your energy efficiency, but you’ll also make it much harder for bugs to find their way indoors.

Clean the gutters: This may be a job you like to put off (or hand over to someone else), but cleaning the gutters goes a long way toward DIY pest control. Wet, moist leaves, dirt and other debris are the perfect breeding ground for roaches, and other pests.

Need more help? Call R and C to keep your 2014 happy (and pest-free!)

Traveling this Year? Avoid Bringing Home Bed Bugs

Hotel Bed BugsIf your list of New Year’s resolutions include some traveling plans, you’re probably not alone. Getting out of town is on the do-list of many Americans. And while that vacation might be relaxing (and no doubt well deserved), what’s not relaxing is coming back home with a suitcase full of bed bugs. Or just a few. It doesn’t take many bed bugs to start an infestation that can keep you scratching for months.

This year, regardless of where your travel plans take you, try to avoid bringing these little souvenirs home. Don’t worry; we’ll help you know what to look for.

Avoiding Bed Bugs While Traveling

If you’ve ever had a problem with bed bugs, you likely already know the signs of an infestation. When you check into your hotel, carefully scour the room for any of these signs. These include dark marks on the mattress and especially in the seams, dark-colored shells or casings or of course – seeing a bed bug itself.

A common misconception is that bed bugs are always found in the bed. While this is a common place for them to hide, they actually are happy anywhere dark and relatively quiet. For instance, behind electrical outlets, baseboards and heavy curtains. Shake the curtains in your room and inspect the outlets for signs of bed bugs.

If you see no signs of bed bugs, still be cautious of where you stow your luggage. Keep it off the floor so that there is no easily accessible “bridge” for bed bugs to cross. Be sure you keep your luggage off the carpet while you’re inspecting the room as well – a tiled bathroom is a good place to keep it.

If you see signs of bed bugs, or wake up with bites, contact your hotel management immediately. While they may offer to switch you rooms, you may be better served to find a new hotel altogether – but don’t forget to check that room thoroughly as well.

Bed Bugs in America

We put together this little infographic to show some amazing statistics about these unpleasant critters. Learn anything new?

Bed Bugs Infographic

Here’s to a well-traveled (but bed bug free) New Year!