Recognize and Treat Bedbugs Bite Marks Properly

Bedbugs are oval, tiny, brown insects the size and shape of an apple seed with six legs. These insects feed on blood of humans and animals, leaving itchy bites. They have flat bodies which get swollen when they feed, as they color turns into a more reddish one.

Although bedbugs are visible to human eye (both male and female specimens can grow to around .2 inches), they move fast, hide well and are active by night which makes it difficult for people to spot them. However, there are some signs that help you know that there’s bedbug infestation in your home. Dark spots on your sheets and mattress, blood strains, bedbug shed skins, fecal spot or egg shells and musty odor are certain signs of bedbugs. IF you woke up with itchy areas on your skin – that could be one more uncomfortable evidence of bedbugs in your bed! But it is not always easy to determine and recognize bedbug bites…

How to recognize bedbug bite marks

As bedbugs are active during night, the chances are you got bitten while asleep. Although “feeding on human or animal blood” sounds scary, bedbug bites are usually painless so you wouldn’t be aware you got bitten if there wasn’t for itching that starts next day and could last for a couple of weeks.

Bedbugs are not so easy to identify because they resemble other insect bites, e.g. mosquito bites. Most of bitten people will have welts, red bumps or sometimes blisters. However there are three things you should look for to determine if you were bitten by bedbugs:

1) Unique pattern: Bedbug bites can rarely appear alone, but usually they appear in a row of three to five bites, ina a zig-zag formation or in a cluster

2) Exposed areas: In the most cases, beadbugs bites will occur on exposed areas of your body (e.g. face and neck, arms or feet). Bedbugs rarely appear on the back of your knees or in the folds of the skin, which are usual places for mosquito bites.

3) Timing: You should consider when the bites occur. As bedbugs are active by night, if you wake up with bites and itchy areas you didn’t have when you went to bed, the chances are high that you might have bedbugs. However, each person is unique and we react differently – sometimes the reaction can appear up to a week after the bite.

Although the bite itself is painless, and it can usually resolve itself within a week or two, remember that bedbug bites can leave you with scars so it is important to treat them properly!

How to treat bedbug bites

The first thing you should do is washing the area with mild soap and water. When you soap over the bites, you should leave the soap dry instead of rinsing immediately. Propper washing can relieve problems with itchiness, as well as prevent skin infections. You can always try some home remedies: baking soda and water, lemon juice, calamine lotion or aloe plant gel.

You should consult your physician in any case, but especially if you have blisters, signs of allergic reaction or skin infection. They can prescribe you stronger ointments and medicine that will help!

Remember that you should hire the bedbug exterminator to get rid of the bedbugs – even if you treat the bites, you can get bitten again, and just leaving your home for a week or two will not help – bedbugs can live up to a year without eating.

Most Common Signs of BedBugs

Bedbugs are small insects that feed on the blood of animals and humans. They are usually oval and brown, and adult specimens are the size of an apple seed. Note that they get swollen and reddish after they feed. They can move fast over floors, ceilings and walls, and they hide really well which makes it difficult to see them. Luckily, they do not transmit diseases, but they are a real nuisance and a hygiene threat. Luckily, there are certain signs that they are present, which makes it easier to take action and get rid of them.

Most common signs of bedbug infestation in your home

Did you wake up with itchy areas you hadn’t have when you went to bed? You might have bedbugs. Risk is even higher if you purchased used bed or furniture recently. Besides itchiness, you should look for these signs:

– Blood strains on pillowcases and sheets

– Bedbug egg shells or shed skins in areas they hide

– Bedbug fecal spots

– Dark spots on your sheets, mattresses or even walls

– Musty odor

 Steps to take when you notice signs of bedbugs

If you have noticed any of the signs listed above, the chances are – there are bedbugs in your home. Besides this, obviously seeing bedbugs is another proof that they are present, but remember that they move quickly and are usually active by night, which makes it extra hard to spot them.

There are some steps you should do to get rid of them yourself, or at least as a first measure, although it is recommended to hire a professional – especially when dealing with insecticide.

Here is what you can do if you find bedbugs

– Clean sheets, curtains and clothing hot water and dry them on the highest setting

– Dry items that can’t be washed using highest dryer setting (e.g. shoes, stuffed animals)

– Brush mattresses hard using a stiff brush and vacuum your bed and the area around

– Remember to tightly close your vacuum bag in a thick plastic bag after you’ve vacuumed for the first time and throw it away so that no bedbugs escape

– Get rid of any clutter in your bedroom and around the bed

– Encase your mattress with a zippered cover that prevents bedbugs from going out and feeding (but remember they can live without food for up to a year, so make sure you keep the cover for at least a year)

Bedbug extermination as a 100% safe solution

Bedbugs are small, fast, hard to notice and resilient. Female bedbugs can lay up to hundreads of eggs that hatch in six to ten days, and start feeding soon. Although good hygiene and regular vacuuming and cleaning can help you prevent the infestation, if there are bedbugs in your home, the only solution to getting rid of them can be using different inseticides.

Chemicals in insecticides can be harmful, and it is important to use only high quality products with care. You should never treat mattresses or bedding with an insecticide that is not specifically made for that kind of use.

R and C Pest Control has a lot of experience in dealing with bedbugs, as well as cockroaches, ants, scorpions and spiders in Los Angeles area, so we can definitely help you get rid of them once and for all.

4 Most Common Scorpion Species in Las Vegas and How to Identify Them

Las Vegas is an awesome place in many aspects: great night life, the food, the weather, the shopping, the entertainment… but it is also a desert. This makes it a perfect home to scorpions, which can find their way into your home. There is around 25 different species of scorpions living in Nevada, and 4 most common for Las Vegas.

If you encounter a scorpion, you shouldn’t panic, but you should be careful. Immediately contact a scorpion exterminator. They are nocturnal, which makes it harder to notice them and easier to step on… If you have a serious scorpion problem, you sould deffinitely call the professionals. Meanwhile, here is how to differentiate between different scorpions.

How to recognize different scorpions in Las Vegas

Not all scorpions in Las Vegas are venomous Arizona bark scorpions, but it is always smart to be as careful as possible. Although there is around 25 different scorpion spieces in Nevada, there are 5 most common Las Vegas scorpions. Here is how you can identify them.

Arizona giant hairy scorpion

They can be over 4 inches long, they it small lizards, other scorpions and spiders. Their pedipalps and legs are covered in dense hairs, more than any other American scorpion. Their “back” (dorsal sruface) is dark or black.

Arizona stripetail scorpion

These scorpions are shorter than 3 inches, and you can recognize them easily thanks to the ring-shaped stripes around their back.

Yellow ground scorpion

Yellow ground scorpion is granular and yellowish and they can look similar to Arizona bark scorpion. The difference is that their first two metasomal segments, or first two parts of their “tail” are either wider than longer or as wide as long.

Arizona bark scorpion

They are usually about 2 to 3 inches long, they climb rough surfaces and there are usually more of them – if you have found one, they are probably not alone. They are the most venomous scorpion in Las Vegas and whole North America. That’s why we have have written more info about them.

Arizona bark scorpion – the most venomous scorpion in North America

Arizona bark scorpion is common to Las Vegas and it is a small, light brown type of scorpion which can grow up to 3.1 inches in length (females being a bit smaller). They have a thin tail with a very curved stinger, eight legs and pedipalps. They are very fast and can hide well in both natural environment and indoors, especially in tubs, sinks, drawers, shelves and dark cabinets. They are active by night when they hunt for spiders, cockroaches, crickets and other smaller insects.

The venom of this Las Vegas scorpion is dangerous for humans, it can cause severe pain, tingling, vomiting and illness that lasts up to three days. The cases of death are rare, but they can be really dangerous to young children and older people, as well as pets.

What to do when stung by a scorpion?

When stung by any scorpion, including the venomous Arizona bark scorpion, you should immediately wash the area with soap and water, apply a cool compress and call or visit your doctor promptly.s scorpion is dangerous for humans, it can cause severe pain, tingling, vomiting and illness that lasts up to three days. The cases of death are rare, but they can be really dangerous to young children and older people, as well as pets.

What to do when stung by scorpion?

When stung by any scorpion, including the venomous Arizona bark scorpion, you should immediately wash the area with soap and water, apply a cool compress and call or visit your doctor promptly.

Las Vegas Rat Removal Service

If you see this rodent, notice its small footprints, hear scratching noises or find jellybean shaped black or brown droppings, then it is time to get in touch with R and C Pest Control immediately.


We are your friendly, local neighborhood pest eradication team and we have got all the best technology for getting rid of rats and mice. Our experienced experts will identify the nest location the moment we arrive and make sure that we use the most effective way to destroy their habitat as soon as possible and stop them invading your home any further.


So call us today on 702.257.2847 and start enjoying a rat-free life once more.

Rats: The Invisible Threat


A fear of rats is one of the most universally spread phobias across human beings. Like so many phobias, however, this one is just as unfounded and illogical.


Once domesticated, these rodents pose no real threat except bites and scratches if feeling threatened – no worse than cats or dogs – and yet so many people are fearful of these relatively harmless creatures with no reason to be.


When it comes to wild rodents, though, maybe elephants are sensible to be scared of them. The fear of wild rats in particular is very rational because of all the diseases they carry and their aggressive nature.


The most common rat in cities around the world today is the brown rat (also known as the Norway rat) which is thankfully nowhere near as dangerous as the plague-spreading black rat that killed millions across Europe and Asia in the Medieval era. Brown rats do not kill many people nowadays but they can still make city inhabitants very sick with the different fevers and illnesses that they carry.


Either brown or dark gray in color, these pesky mammals are usually just over a foot in length: half body and half tail. Their relatively small ears are still able to focus in on quiet noises so they usually hear and avoid us before we see them. They also have small eyes but they are still able to see in low light – again, making the chance that they see us before we see them very high.


Their front feet are quite small while their hind legs are relatively large which allows them to dig and burrow really well in search of a habitat and food. Living under the floorboards or in basements means that scratching sounds underfoot are common in places with an infestation. They are also often unbothered about walking through liquid in order to get to their desired location so this usually results in miniature footprints appearing eventually.


Their large teeth help them gnaw through obstacles and consume tough food that other animals would struggle to eat. This means that they can eat whatever they find which is usually a large amount – being nocturnal means they can raid all our cupboard food, leftovers and garbage while we are sleeping. The peace and quiet of night also means that they are careless when it comes to leaving their long, thin droppings all over the place.


As well as decimating our food supply, damaged property is another highly inconvenient result of having city dwelling brown rats. They do not mind what they destroy if it helps with their survival. From holes in walls to chewed cables, these resilient survivors can do big damage. Demolished household objects are also common problems brought about by rats in search of the soft materials needed to make their nests. The appearance of ripped items is a frequent occurrence in residences with an infestation. Anything containing cardboard, paper or foam is a likely target for fully grown males looking to provide a safe dwelling for their pregnant female companions. Shredded newspaper, packaging and loft insulation are common signs that rats are nearby.


As stated, however, the biggest reason why musophobia is not an irrational fear when it comes to the common brown rat is because of the fevers they carry along with other severe sicknesses. Their gestation period increases this threat because they can give birth to a litter of up to fourteen pups every three weeks. Therefore, it becomes imperative to deal with a rat infestation as soon as it is identified to stop disease spreading. Contact R and C Pest Control today to help with any rodent issues you may be experiencing! 

Las Vegas Rats

Musophobia is one of the most common irrational fears in the world: the phobia of rats and mice. But maybe it should not be considered such an unreasonable fear when it comes to wild rats. We should all be wary of them.


Although Las Vegas is home to many more unusual and dangerous pests than the average city, rats are still a major inconvenience to our residents and they actually still pose a real threat. Whilst our great city is a far cry from Western Europe in the middle of the last millennium, which got decimated by the deadly Medieval plague-carrying rats, common brown rats and modern black rats still carry serious diseases in all Western areas of the United States of America.


Either brown or black in color, these little devils are about half a foot in body size with another half foot of tail. They eat whatever they can find, which is usually quite a lot as they are nocturnal and have access to all our food and garbage while we are asleep.


Although the rats are small they can create damage!

They are also notorious for damaging property by gnawing with their powerful teeth and burrowing with their strong feet. Despite the perfectly round holes in walls usually being attributed to mice, many of those tiny critters are in fact not strong or big enough to create this sort of destruction. Las Vegas rats are; and are often the real cause of holes in skirting boards whilst they forage for food.


As well as all of this, rats also damage household objects in search of the soft materials needed to make their nests, so the appearance of ripped items is a frequent occurrence in residences with an infestation. Anything containing cardboard, paper or foam is a likely target for fully grown adult males looking to provide a safe dwelling for his pregnant female companion. Shredded newspaper, packaging and loft insulation are common signs that rats are nearby.


Are the rats really a problem?

Most importantly of all, however, they are a threat to you and those in your vicinity because they often spread fevers along with other severe sicknesses. And their gestation period is incredibly short as they can give birth to a litter of up to fourteen pups every three weeks. So even if you think you only have one today, you could soon have hundreds.


This is why they must be dealt with. Call an experienced rat exterminator today!

Get To Know The World Of Pest Control

What things have you tried to get rid of pests where you live? If you are not sure what to do with your pest problem, you will find this article useful. If you don’t, then you will not see all the numerous methods you can use to help get rid of pests. Keep reading to find out more information.

Hairspray is great for eliminating bees and wasps. The hairspray kills the insects, and the residual odor repels new ones from emerging.

Fleas are a notoriously hard problem to solve. You can do a number of things to battle this problem, however. First, vacuum your house very well. Once you have done this, use a good quality flea spray. Change the bag in the vacuum cleaner immediately after sweeping the house.

If you are prone to mice and rats and are thinking about planting new trees, do not place them too close to your home. Rodents can enter your home more easily if they can climb a tree and drop onto your roof. Put the trees around 15 feet from the house.

Outdoor Lights

Outdoor lights can be great, but they can also attract lots of pests. If outdoor lights are necessary, use yellow, orange or pink bulbs to keep pests at bay.

It can work really well to use an electronic repellent for pests in and around your home. These devices are small and can be plugged into outlets in each room. The device then emits a sound that keeps rodents at bay. Humans and pets are able to hear the sound, but it is in no way harmful. Because rodents hate the noise, they will not remain in an area where it is present.

We hope this article has helped you learn some unique and effective methods of pest control. Keep in mind there are a lot of different methods you can use for pest control. You don’t have to live with unwanted pests in your home. Get rid of the bugs in your home by implementing a pest control strategy.

Simple Ways To Control Pests In Your Home

There’s no shortage of pests who’d like to camp out at your home. These pests carry disease with them and present serious health risks. Read this article if you are ready to get rid of pests for good.

Be sure to check with local authorities before you use pesticides in your home to ensure that they are within code. Spraying down a locally banned chemical can backfire if you try and sell your home later. This is not typical, but you need to find out what you can use and cannot use.

Use an outdoor perimeter spray to keep insects from entering your home. Spray areas around your house, like the windows and doors, steps and the foundation. Watch for cracks as you spray. Use caulk or another filler to seal the gaps.

Trained Dogs

A trained dog can help sniff out the termites in your home. A person can only tell you what he sees. Not so with a dog! Trained dogs can verify your entire home’s safety. Trained dogs can detect methane gas that results from the eating of wood by termites.

If you have been the victim of a recent bedbug infestation and have taken steps to eradicate them, be vigilant. Bedbugs can lay dormant for a year without food. Because of this, you should seal off any and all access points in your home. This will prevent them from hiding anywhere.

Bedbugs are a pain to rid your home of, as they are proficient at hiding. Close up open holes you may find prior to extermination. This is so no bugs are just leaving the holes during the extermination process.

Do you have a lot of ants around? A simple way to rid yourself of them is to mix up some borax and sugar. Sugar attracts them while the borax kills them. Mix a cup of sugar and a cup of borax in a quart jar. Poke holes in the jar lid, and sprinkle the content along your house’s basboards and foundation.

Make sure that your thoroughly inspect your home for standing water that might not be obvious. Standing water is a huge attraction for pests. Check for pipes that are leaking and trays you use for plants. If you eliminate water sources, you will eliminate a lot of pests.

In order to help you keep the pests out, you need to take a look at your plumbing. Ensure that the sinks and drains inside and around your house are free of clogs Organic matter forms in these drains, creating a big attraction for roaches and flies. Check cleared drains on a monthly basis.

Extinguishing pest infestations is not always easy, but you should be prepared to do that now. Obviously, if you do not try, nothing will happen. Apply the tips from this article and you will be one step closer to ridding your home of your unwanted guests for good.

Use These Ideas To Tackle Your Home Pest Problem

If you own a home, expect that you’ll have to deal with pests at some point. To prevent pests from coming into your home, you need to do your research to find the top pest control techniques. If you know what you are doing, you can keep your home free of pests for years to come.

Steel Wool

Steel wool is a great way to deter mice and other critters. Even if the pests manage to chew through it, the steel wool will end up killing them. Stuff any opening that is bigger than one half inch. Rodents can slip through very small openings.

To eliminate pest problems indoors, vacuum every rug in your home. This gets rid of the ants and some bugs that get in your living room rugs. Make sure to throw the bag away when complete.

If brown recluse spiders have invaded your home, catch them with some sticky traps. These spiders live deep where poisons can’t reach. During the night they go out in search of food. Put these traps along your walls as well as behind your furniture so you can trap them.

All food should be carefully stored away in sealed containers when not in use. Pests love the smell of food, so it is important to keep them away from scents. Take your trash out regularly to avoid attracting pests. Garbage is also known to attract insects.

Look around your house and yard for any standing water and eliminate it. This can attract many pests, including mosquitoes. Some common sources include trays that sit under plants and leaking pipes. If you make water sources scarce, chances are good that they will find a new place to call home.

When considering new trees for your yard, pay attention to where you place them, keeping them away from your house. The trees provide a climbing spot for rodents, allowing them to have easy access to your roof. Plant them far from your home, about 15 feet away.

If you are a homeowner, then you are probably going to have to deal with pests at some time or another in your life. Follow the tips we have outlined here to help keep your home pest-free. Do not wait until tomorrow, act now!

A Few Tips To Help With Pest Control

No homeowner likes having pests. No matter what sort of pest plagues you, you are sure to want it gone yesterday! The best way to do this is by trying proven techniques, and this article is full of them.

If you are experiencing problems with insects, be sure to vacuum all rugs and carpets throughout your home. By doing this, you will pick up existing bugs, ants and fleas around the house. When you finish vacuuming, dispose of the bag or empty the canister.

Research which pest treatments are allowed in accordance to your building codes and local ordinances. Depending on the codes, spraying a chemical that has been locally banned can hurt you if you ever attempt to sell your home. Although this doesn’t happen often, this should motivate you to do some research on which methods of pest control have been approved in your area.

There are dogs that are specially trained to detect termites. A termite inspector can just confirm that one-third of your house is safe. However, trained dogs can verify that the entire home is safe. The smell of methane gas is the actual byproduct of the termites eating your wood.

Bedbugs have a habit of hiding in tiny places, which makes them hard to eliminate. Be sure to seal off any open holes prior to attempting any extermination. This will keep any of the bugs from escaping before they’re all dead.

Plant bushes several feet from your home’s exterior. Brush is a natural home to many insects and there is no way to prevent this. These pests will likely come right on into your home if the bush is located near a door or a window.

Seal any cracks or crevices that you may have in your home right away. These cracks are a gateway for pests into your home. Eliminating the crevice can create a barrier between your home and the pests.

Outdoor Lighting

That same outdoor lighting you use to keep intruders away at night, or light the path for your guests, may also be attracting pests. Outdoor lighting in yellow, pink, and orange usually attract less bugs.

It’s as easy as utilizing the information you’ve read to kiss those pests goodbye. Experiment with each to determine which method works well for your needs. When you see results, you will see the effort paid off.

Don’t Call The Exterminator! Get Rid Of Pests Yourself.

Pests can be annoying, but they can also be harmful. Though it can cost you some time and money, you will want to take care of the problem right away. Make use of the tips provided in the below article, and you can succeed in permanently ridding your home of pests.

Take some time to consider the problem. Seek to eliminate the things that attract pests. Pests are attracted to food, water, and shelter. Leaks, scraps of food and easy access are a pest’s best friends; make it harder for them to survive.

If your home has a problem with brown recluse spiders, use sticky traps to catch them. These spiders are poisonous; therefore, you need to eliminate them as soon as possible. Unfortunately, they often hide in small areas where chemicals are not as effective. These spiders are nocturnal, so they look for food after dark. You can catch them with traps strategically placed behind furnishings and along the walls.

Do not buy a house unless a professional inspection has been done. There is now way of knowing the type of pest is actually hiding unless you’ve stayed inside the home.

Bedbugs are very sneaky and can be hard to eliminate. Before doing any extermination, make sure you close any open holes. Doing this means no bugs can come out after you have exterminated.

If you have crevices and cracks located in your home, make sure that you seal them off as soon as you can. These are just the places that pests love to find as they are looking for ways to get inside. They will be locked out tight if you seal up these small openings.

If you are prone to mice and rats and are thinking about planting new trees, do not place them too close to your home. Trees allow rodents to climb up and enter your home via the roof. Place them at least 15 feet away from your home.

It can work really well to use an electronic repellent for pests in and around your home. When these little gadgets are plugged into electrical outlets, a small buzz is emitted, keeping away the rodents. Humans cannot hear the sound, and it does not harm pets or humans in any way. Rats and mice don’t like them and will stay away from them.

As you realize, having problems with pests is more than just irritating – it can also affect your health. So make sure that you take care of this problem as soon as possible. Use the methods above to help locate, control and eliminate any pest issues.