The Pests That Are Most Likely to Bug You in Vegas

You can thank the weather here in Vegas for all the pests that bother you throughout the year. Here is a quick guide about the pesky pests that are most likely to bug you in Las Vegas.


scorpionThis is a particularly creepy crawler with venomous stings that can cause nausea, numbness, vomiting and difficulty breathing. While no one has ever been known to die from a scorpion sting in the U.S., it is an injury that should be taken very seriously. You are most likely to see scorpions in your home in the winter when they seek shelter from the cold. Watch out for them in cracks around baseboards, light switches and light fixtures. Seal as many cracks as you can see and call the exterminator Las Vegas trusts to get rid of them for you.


cockroaches need exterminator las vegasThis insect is not deadly but that does not make their presence any less frustrating. You are most likely to see these bugs at night feeding on crumbs left around the home. It is possible to get rid of cockroaches yourself, however, it can be tough. A better bet is to seek out the help of the best exterminator Las Vegas offers to get the job done right the first time.


Ants need exterminator Las VegasAnts can enter your home through the smallest cracks. You can usually find them traveling in a line because they are following the scent of pheromones to food. If you so choose, there are many ways for you to get rid of ants naturally on your own. Just be careful when dealing with red fire ants. They have a bite that hurts and can even cause allergic reaction in some people.


black widow needs las vegas exterminatorsThere are plenty of spiders in the desert but you want to watch out for the desert recluse, black widow and the camel spider the most. All three of these spiders have a bite that is dangerous to humans. If you find one of these in or outside of your home, schedule the pest control Las Vegas residents love to take care of these dangerous arachnids.

Elm Root Borer

elm root borer needs exterminator las vegasThis is a huge black or brown beetle that looks a lot like a larger type of cockroach. It can grow to be as large as eight inches and can fly. It prefers to eat tree root so it can be difficult to notice a developing infestation until it is too late. Because of that, infestations can be tough to get rid of. If you see one in your home, there are many more close by. Call the best exterminator Las Vegas offers to get rid of them right away.


africanized honey bee needs exterminator las vegasThe most established bee in Nevada is the Africanized honeybee. They tend to build their nests in places where people are likely to accidently bother them so be careful. If you find a nest on your property, call an exterminator or bee keeper. Don’t try to remedy the issue on your own unless you have experience dealing with bees.


cricketThese pests are annoying but completely harmless. Perhaps the most frustrating thing about them is their high pitched chirps in the middle of the night.



cicadasThis is another harmless insect that makes annoying noises during the evenings in summer. It is unlikely that you will find these guys inside your home. They live underground for most of their lives. They surface for about two months as an adult before they die.

Whether the pests you are dealing with are harmless or harmful, you deserve to be pest free. Contact the experts at R & C Pest Control because they are the exterminators Las Vegas residents trust the most. For more information about the best pest control Las Vegas has, contact 702.257.2847.

Removing Ants Without Pesticides

get rid of ants from las vegas pest control companyIt is becoming more and more common for people to try to remove pests from their homes the natural way. Regardless of your reasoning for the choice, here is some additional information on how you can remove ants from your home without the help of dangerous pesticides.

Natural Insecticides

  1. Dish soap and water: If the ants are already in your home, you want to kill them. Fill a spray bottle with dish soap and water and shake it until it’s mixed. Spray the solution over ants when you see them. They should suffocate instantly. Clean up the ants with a paper towel or a disinfectant wipe. Just remember, this is a temporary fix. You’ll have to figure out where the ants are coming from if you want to stop them for good.
  2. White vinegar and water: Create a solution of half vinegar and half water and fill a spray bottle with it. Use it in the same way you would use the soapy water solution. If you spray this solution anywhere you see the ants getting in, you can keep them at bay.
  3. Lemon juice and water: This is a good alternative if you don’t like the smell of vinegar and you want to save your dish soap for your dishes. Make a solution of one part lemon juice and three parts water. Spray it around your home near the windows, doors, and anywhere else you see the ants entering to keep them out.
  4. Diatomaceous earth (DE): As long as you get the food-grade DE, it is harmless to humans and pets. So, sprinkle a little around your home anywhere you see the ants entering. The little crystals in the DE will cause the bodies of the ants to dry out, resulting in their death. If it is humid inside your home for any reason, the DE will not work.
  5. Boric acid: This product poisons ants when they eat it. You can find it as a blue or white powder and sprinkle it around your home. It is not technically toxic but it shouldn’t be ingested by humans or pets. To be safe, don’t use it where animals or children commonly play.

The Root of The Problem

No matter how effective you are in getting rid of the ants in your home, it won’t matter without finding where they are coming from. Know what kind of ant you are dealing with so you can know how so solve the problem.

  • Black ants – this is the most common form of ant found in most homes. They are small, black and travel in long lines. If you follow the line outside, you’ll probably trace it to a nest nearby that is sheltered on some way.
  • House ants – These ants like to build their nests inside the walls and window frames of your home. They also like woodpiles, mulch and rock shelters. You can tell you have this kind of ant because it smells terrible when you crush them.
  • Pavement ants – These ants are small, brown and prefer to make their nests inside the cracks of pavement.
  • Fire ants – These larger, red-colored ants rarely travel into your home. They can still be frustrating, however, because a nest in your yard will usually keep you from enjoying your backyard space. You can find a fire ant home by looking for a mound that is raised above the ground made of sand.

Once you have found the nest, you can kill them by pouring boiling water into the nest. If that does not work, the problem is more severe that you may realize. Contact the Las Vegas pest control company that has years of experience dealing with ant infestations. For more information about one of the best Las Vegas pest control companies, contact R and C Pest control at 702.257.2847.

Scorpion Stings vs Spider Bites

No one enjoys being stung by any creature. Even if the foe isn’t poisonous, stings can be painful and itchy. Since spider bites and scorpion stings are the two most likely experiences you’ll have in the desert, here is a little information about both and how you can avoid them.


scorpion needs las vegas exterminatorsYou can find scorpions in Africa, North and South America, the Caribbean and India. You can run into particularly dangerous species of scorpions in Arizona, New Mexico and the western side of the Colorado River. Since these area’s are so close to home, it is wise to be familiar with the species and their stings.

You definitely want to try to avoid these bites because it is possible to die from a scorpion sting. You can avoid being one of the 3,000 deaths that occur from scorpion stings by being aware of the places they like to hide.

Since they are nocturnal insects, you want to be extra careful to check dark hiding places inside your home. Shake out your shoes before putting them on and be careful about reaching into dark cupboards and pantries. If you live in an area that is known for scorpions, it may be a good idea to add a protective ledge of about eight inches to prevent the critters from getting into your home in the first place.

You can recognize a scorpion sting because they tend to be painful. For stings that are more severe, you may also experience sweating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, a rise in blood pressure or malaise.

If you are stung, treat it right away. For mild stings, an over-the-counter pain reliever and an ice compression are usually sufficient. For more severe stings, seek medical attention. You may be in need of an antivenom. When that is done, contact the Las Vegas exterminators to prevent if another sting from happening.


black widow needs las vegas exterminatorsGenerally, you don’t have to worry about spiders. They aren’t usually aggressive or poisonous. In Las Vegas, you mainly need to watch out for the brown recluse and the black widow.

It can be harder to avoid spider bites. They hunt whenever they please and are much more able to get into your home through the tiny cracks and holes in the walls. As a general rule, they won’t bother you if you don’t bother them. However, if you see a brown recluse or a black widow, call the exterminator in Las Vegas experienced with handling poisonous insects.

Bites from a black widow can induce paralysis if the bite is serious enough. Bites from brown recluses are dangerous because they can cause damage to the tissue around the bite. They can even cause the tissue to die if the bite is not treated quickly enough.

In less severe cases, you can experience headaches, dizziness, swelling, skin rash, swelling around the eyes or trouble breathing. You may also feel pain and burning at the site of the sting.

If you are stung, treat with ice compression to help reduce the pain and avoid damage to tissue. If the sting is severe, head to a medical center right away to receive the necessary treatment to avoid tissue death.

We’ve said it before: if there is one creepy critter, there are others. Call the Las Vegas exterminators at R and C Pest Control because they are experts in finding and removing these dangerous bugs. For more information about the great Las Vegas exterminators, contact 702.257.2847.

Most Dangerous Las Vegas Spiders

With Halloween right around the corner, it couldn’t be a more appropriate time to talk about spiders. However, we aren’t talking about the fun rubber ones that you get to scare all your friends with. The spiders on this list deserve your respect. These spiders are the most dangerous Las Vegas spiders for a reason. We’ll tell you why and give you some clues to spot them.

If you notice any of these spiders in our around your home, call the one of the Las Vegas pest control companies that are experienced enough to handle dangerous pests. DO NOT try to tackle these guys on your own.

Black Widow

las vegas pest control companiesThis is a spider that most people are familiar with. As the name suggests, the spider is predominantly black. You can tell it is a black widow by the trademark red hourglass on the body of the spider.

A bite from this spider is usually considered dangerous because the venom contains a neurotoxin called latrotoxin. You could be particularly concerned if the bite comes from a female black widow. The female spider has venom glands that are much larger than here male counterparts. If you are bitten, you can experience clammy skin, vomiting, difficulty breathing and unconsciousness.

Camel Spider

camel spider las vegas pest control companiesThe camel spider is one you may not be quite so familiar with. It is a large spider with a hairy body that can range in color from beige to a deep brown. You are most likely to see them above ground in the warmer months of the year because these spiders don’t like the cold.

Surprisingly, this spider is not venomous. However, it still makes the list because of its massive pincher-like jaws. A bite from this spider can be very ragged. The torn skin and exposed flesh make it a bite that can easily get infected. If you get bitten from this spider, you should seek the help of a medical professional to properly clean and treat the wound.

Brown Recluse

brown recluse needs las vegas pest control companiesThe brown recluse can be considered the most dangerous spider on this list. It is a small spider with long legs and a light to medium brown colored body. You will most likely run into this spider at night when it leaves its lair to hunt.

A bite from this spider is a reason to go to the emergency room. You can experience a wide range of symptoms including, but not limited to, itching, burning, fever, nausea, muscle aches and even necrosis.

Don’t wait to call a Las Vegas pest control company when you notice one of these bad bugs around your home. R and C Pest Control exterminators are experts in dealing with the most dangerous insects in the desert. For more information about one of the great Las Vegas pest control companies, contact 702.257.2847.

Different Types of Bed Bugs

bed-bug-type-from-las-vegas-pest-control-companiesDepending on the news source you trust, you may believe that the bed bug epidemic is on the rise or is finally letting off. The differing opinions could be based on the fact that there are different types of bed bugs that are adapted to different areas and climates in the country.

Bed Bug Basics

Regardless of the type of bed bug, the basics are generally the same. A bed bug hatches from a tiny little egg that is less than a third of the size of a sesame seed. It takes about a month to become an adult and lives as an adult for 6 months to a year. As an adult, they can be about ¼ of an inch, which is only slightly bigger than a sesame seed.

An female adult bed bug can lay as much as 500 eggs within that time. Clearly this bug multiplies fast. If you see one or two, you probably have an infestation. Get ahead of their game by calling the Las Vegas exterminators with experience in bed bugs.

While it cannot fly or jump, this particularly gross bug has gotten such a reputation because they can climb up just about anything. If you think you see these little guys climbing around, they can be white, light tan, dark brown or a burnt orange color depending on which type of bed bug they are. If the bug looks white, it could still be a bed bug that just molted.

Types of Bed Bugs

There are three main types of bed bugs:

  • Cimex Lectularius or or household bed bug is the most common of all the types of bed bugs. It is a flat brown bug, so it easily lives in the small cracks and crevices of your walls and mattress. It is said they even prefer these small spaces because the pressure helps the bugs to digest their meals. They find their meals by following heat and carbon dioxide. As long as there is a steady blood supply, bed bugs will live in the same room for their entire life span.
  • Cimex Hemipterus is the tropical bed bug that is found in places like California and Florida. This bug can be light tan or brown but turns red after it feeds. This type of bed bug also has small wings, but it cannot fly. This bug is also known to carry a number of different diseases, but there has yet to be a reported case of a disease transferring from the bug to its human host.
  • Leptocimex Boueti is the bat bug. This type of bed bug is a picky eater. As the name suggests, it prefers to feed on bats. However, if you are a viable host that is in its vicinity, this creepy bug will happily munch on you. Thankfully, they are normally found in South America and West Africa so you don’t have to worry about them so much.

What does that mean for you?

Thankfully, none of the bed bugs are known to get humans seriously ill. Their bite can create a small, red welt that can be itchy or swell but that depends on how sensitive the host is. If you are not prone to allergic reactions, it is possible you can be bitten without having a reaction at all.

If you are bitten, you will most likely find the bites on your arms, legs, neck and shoulders. If you find these bites, you need to contact one of the Las Vegas pest control companies right away. Even if you have only a few bites, there is a good chance you have an infestation. Instead of waiting to see just how bad the infestation is, call the experts at R and C Pest Control. For more information about the best in Las Vegas pest control companies, contact 702.257.2847.

How to Deal With A Scorpion Sting

Living in the desert means you are subject to all sorts of creepy crawling pests. Some bite, some sting and some are just plain gross to look at.

Because this will always be a concern, you should know how to deal with the bites and stings of the insects you are likely to cross paths with in Las Vegas. One of those likely assaults can come from the stinger of a scorpion.

scorpionOf the 1,500 species of scorpions, only 25 of them have venom that is dangerous to humans. Even still, a sting from any of the other species can be painful and cause an allergic reaction. You want to make sure you know what to do in the event you are stung by a scorpion.

Chances are, if you get stung, you will be at home or out on a camping trip of some sort. Use these tips to prepare yourself for when you are away from immediate medical help.

1. Know the symptoms. If you are stung by a scorpion, of course you want to know if you are in immediate danger. Any of the symptoms on this list are a sign that you need to seek medical help right away.

  • Fast or irregular heart rate
  • Breathing, swallowing, speaking or seeing becomes hard
  • Severe swelling
  • Incontinence
  • Moderate to severe muscle spasms in the eyes, head or neck
  • Difficulty walking
  • Vomiting
  • Heavy sweating
  • Drooling or foaming at the mouth

2. Find the sting. A sting from a scorpion that isn’t venomous shouldn’t cause much swelling. Instead, you might feel a pinch, a little burning, tingling or numbness.

3. Clean the sting. Wash the sting with soap and water to keep it from getting infected. This will also help wash away any left over venom if it was there to begin with.

4. Keep the sting low. There are resources that say you should raise the sting over your heart. Don’t. This will actually help the venom spread through your body faster. Naturally, you don’t want that. Also keep as still as possible to keep any venom that may be there from spreading with a quickened heart rate.

5. Calm down. If your heart rate is up, the venom spreads.

6. Ice the sting. Put an ice pack wrapped in a towel or washcloth on the sting for about 10 minutes. Remove it for another 10 minutes and repeat until you see the swelling go down. Doing this will also help slow the spread of venom and reduce pain.

7. Safely self-medicate. Over the counter painkillers like ibuprofen and acetaminophen can help reduce pain and swelling. Never use opiate painkillers because they can stop your breathing in combination with the venom. If the pain is that bad, get to the hospital as soon as possible.

8. Get professional help. Whether you know for sure if it was a venomous scorpion or not, you should be seen by a doctor. There are experts to help you deal with these things.

Once you’ve taken care of the sting, think back to where you were. If you were camping, avoid that campsite or take the right preventative measure upon arrival. If you were at home, you need to seek the help of an exterminator in Las Vegas right away.

One scorpion usually means that there are others close by. Call a Las Vegas pest control company like R and C Pest Control. They are experts in dealing with the creepiest crawling insects in the desert. For more information about a great exterminator in Las Vegas, contact 702.257.2847.

Keep Ants From Invading Your Home


“I love to watch the ants march one-by-one right into my kitchen!” said no one ever. Ants are frustrating little pests that work their way into homes whenever outdoor conditions are not ideal. Even if the weather outside is perfect, these tiny critters seem to have a knack for finding equally tiny food particles in places you had no idea food could go.

Of course, you can handle an infestation once it has happened. There is plenty of information on the internet from Las Vegas exterminators that tell you just how to do it. They even give natural options. For those of you who would like to prevent an infestation before it ever happens, here are some tips.

Prevent the Ant Army Invasion

First and foremost, the ant army won’t come if the scouts can’t find food. If you keep your floors clean and your dishes washed, you are less likely to ever deal with this problem.

If you have small children or pets, it can feel impossible to keep a spotless home. Ants like runaway doggie food bits just as much as they enjoy cheerio crumbs. To keep the ants away, check your home – inside and out – for the cracks and holes they can be entering through. Fill the cracks with caulk and block their paths with salt, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, lemon or vinegar to keep the ants out.

If you do have pets, put their bowls inside of a larger, shallow bowl with soapy water in it. It’ll keep them from feasting on the goods inside.

If there are trees that are so close to the walls of your home that the branches touch, it may be a good idea to prune those branches back. Ants can live in trees and use the branches as a bridge right into your home.

Another very effective way to prevent ants is to find the ant army’s base. The colony won’t always look like a mound of dirt so look carefully for small holes in the ground. If the ants are in your home, there’s a good chance a colony or two is close by. Find them and pour boiling water into the entrance. Take this extra time to win the war.

Oh wait, they’re already in? Okay…


Sometimes, even with all these preventative tips, the ants breach the perimeter. In the event that happens, there are many resources out there about how to get rid of ants. There are natural remedies and options for chemical warfare. Do your research and choose the solution that will be best for you and your family.

If that feels like too much work, just call the Las Vegas exterminators at R and C Pest Control. They know how important it is to attack an ant infestation at the root of the problem to keep them from coming back. For more information about a great exterminator in Las Vegas, contact 702.257.2847.

Common Las Vegas Pests

Bugs are pesky annoyances that can’t be avoided no matter where you live. There are a few critters that are Las Vegas natives thanks to the heat and dry weather. These desert insects can be particularly frustrating and even a little dangerous. Here are a few that you can expect to see while living in Las Vegas.


scorpionThis creepy insect has eight legs and a poisonous sting. It can make you feel nauseous, numb, induce vomiting or cause breathing issues.

These bugs can be tough to get rid of. They tend to seek warmer shelter when it begins to get cold. Las Vegas homes are usually where they head. It is definitely a good idea to call a professional exterminator in Las Vegas if you spot one in your home. If there is one, chances are there will be more close by.


Everyone is familiar with this bug, but did you know there are four different types? You can see the American cockroach, the Australian cockroach, the Oriental cockroach and the German cockroach. They all vary in size and color but behave generally the same way.

Cockroaches of all types are very resilient bugs. They can live for long periods of time without eating. They can even fly and swim. When they do eat, they eat just about anything they come in contact with at night.


Ants are a common problem in homes around the world. This is probably because they are so small and have no problem getting into the tiniest cracks. They are also difficult to deal with because they leave an invisible trail for other ants to follow right into your home. If you can’t find the trail, it can be difficult to exterminate them.

Pay especially close attention for fire ants. Many people are allergic to their painful sting.


While there are many different kinds of desert spiders, there are three that are most common.

desert recluseThe desert recluse is the first. It is usually brown and hides in small dark spaces. Because of this, you may think it is a brown recluse but it is not. The desert recluse only has three eyes instead of four and has longer legs. The desert recluse is also not as aggressive or poisonous as it’s counterpart. These spiders only bite when bothered. Their bite is also much more mild.

Black widows are another common Las Vegas spider. You can spot this spider by the well-known red hourglass on the back of females. If you get bitten by a black widow, relax. Their bites are dangerous but not lethal.

Camel spiders are the last of the common spiders. They tend to be aggressive, but they have no venom. At worst, the large bite may need to be treated with antibiotics if it becomes infected.


Killer bees have also declared Las Vegas their home. Be careful because they tend to build their nests in places where people accidentally disturb them. This leads to violent attacks by large groups of bees. If they are very aggravated, they will chase you for up to a quarter of a mile.


This bug is popular around the Las Vegas valley but they are not as dangerous as the other bugs on this list. They can be yellow, brown or straw colored and reproduce quickly. They also make a high pitched chirping sound to attract a mate. Perhaps the main reason this is so annoying is because they only seem interested in mating at night.

These common Las Vegas pests can be frustrating and, in some cases, scary. Call a Las Vegas pest control company to handle the issue right away. The experts at R and C Pest Control are familiar with all kinds of desert pests and know how to exterminate them most effectively. For more information about a great Las Vegas Pest control company, contact 702.257.2847.

Common Bed Bug Questions Answered, Part 2


Yesterday we covered half of the commonly asked questions about bed bugs. Below you can find the rest. Remember, beg bug infestations can get really bad really fast. Having the right answers sometimes just isn’t enough. Make sure you are properly prepared with the right tools. If that doesn’t help, the only thing you can do to truly solve your problem is call a bed bugs pest control service in Las Vegas.


Why does it seem like my partner is the only one getting bitten?

Chances are, your partner is just laying on the side of the bed where most of the bugs are hanging out. Also, once bed bugs find a host, they tend to stick with them and don’t travel much. It is also possible that you are getting bitten. Not everyone reacts the same way to bed bug bites.

If I’ve already been bitten, how to I treat the bite?

First off, do not scratch! Scratching makes any kind of bug bite worse. Wash the bite with soap and water and apply an anti-itch cream.

Bed Types

Can you get bed bugs with a water bed?

Yup! Bed bugs can live just about anywhere, even behind pictures and in the walls. That’s because the bedding isn’t what attracts bed bugs, your warm blood does. So they will lie in wait in water beds, memory foam beds, sleeping bags, or stacks of cardboard or straw. These hungry pests don’t discriminate as long as they get to feed. Also, since water beds sometimes come with heaters, bed bugs can be very happy living there.

Can a mattress cover prevent bed bugs?

Not in the slightest. Bed bugs are flexible creatures and can still get on top of the cover or hide in the nooks and crannies of the bed frame. The good thing, however, is that if you already have bed bugs, the mattress cover can help trap them into the mattress. So you may be able to keep them from biting you as much. If you really want the bugs to stop biting, don’t take this way out. Call an experienced bed bug pest control service to properly handle an infestation for you.

Even with the answers to these questions, a bed bug infestation can be overwhelming. Handle the issue right away by calling the bed bugs pest control professional at R and C Pest Control. They understand how to properly address an infestation. For more information about a great Las Vegas Pest control service, contact 702.257.2847.

Common Bed Bug Questions Answered, Part 1

bedbugBed bugs. They’re gross and everyone is terrified of accidentally bringing them home from a vacation. Perhaps it’s that fear that created all the rumors in circulation about bed bugs. You shouldn’t believe everything you hear. Here are the answers to some common bed bug questions to help you be better informed.


Can applying insect repellent before sleeping in a hotel keep bed bugs from biting?

Unfortunately, no. Bed bugs seem to not be bothered by insecticides at all. There was even a test in the 60s about it. Bug spray was sprayed on the bed posts of beds to see if the bugs would stay away. They didn’t. In fact, bed bugs will sit right on top of bug spray until they die their natural death. also, bed bugs are most active in the early morning before 5am. Unless you went to bed at 3am, your bug spray wouldn’t still be working anyway. The best way to tackle the issue it to contact a bed bugs pest control company.

I bought a silk sleep sack at the store. Will it help prevent bites?

Probably not. These voracious pests have no trouble biting you right through the silk fibers. Even if the sack could help, it’s not difficult or uncommon for the bed bugs to find the opening to the bag and feast that way. The only true way to prevent a bite is to thoroughly inspect the bed and the surrounding area like the wall and nightstands before you unpack anything or lay down. It’s better to be safe than sorry.


Will spraying the bedding of a hotel with Lysol help kill bed bugs?

Again, not likely. Lysol will only be helpful if you manage to spray the bugs directly. Disinfectant spray that dries will have no affect on the bugs when they cross over that area. If you find bed bugs in your hotel, it’s better to just report it to the front desk, housekeeping, or directly to management. Don’t try to spray the area yourself. The bugs will just freak out and seek refuge in places like your suitcase. Let the bed bugs pest control professionals handle it.

Will there ever be an effective bed bug spray?

Right now, there is no bed bug spray in development with the EPA. That’s probably because to get a product from development to registration with the EPA to the store shelf, it costs about $100 million dollars. So naturally they are really selective about which products they choose to spend time on. Bed bugs used to be a big issue in the 1900’s, however. If that happens again, public demand will probably get the ball rolling.

Don’t wait until the last minute to fix a bed bug problem. The longer you wait, the worse the infestation gets. Handle the issue right away by calling the bed bugs pest control professional at R and C Pest Control. They understand how to properly address an infestation. For more information about a great Las Vegas Pest control service, contact 702.257.2847.