Get Rid of Ants the Natural Way

In the warmer spring and summer months, ants tend to surface from their underground colonies in large numbers. A few scavengers head out first to find food leaving a trail of pheromones for the rest of the colony to follow. When they stumble upon the feast in your pantry or dog bowl, the rest of the ants know exactly how to get there.


Thankfully, harmful chemicals aren’t the only way to get rid of these pests. There are natural remedies that solve the problem just as well. A lot of the solutions on this list will actually come from your kitchen and save you money. You can also call a Las Vegas pest control company to handle the issue for you.

Wet Solutions

1. Vinegar This multipurpose liquid is a great ant repellent. Pour some white vinegar into a spray bottle. Search for all the ways the ants could be getting into your home and spray them. Once the vinegar dries, repeat. Continue this for a day or two. The acid in the vinegar will make the ants lose their scent trail and keep them from reentering your home.

2. Soapy Water This option is also cheap and super easy. Fill a spray bottle with dish soap and hot water. Spray the mixture directly onto ants to kill them and their scent trail. Just remember this only works when the soapy water mixture is fresh. You have to reapply often to make sure it’s still working.

3. Lemon Juice The acid in the lemon juice works just like the acid in the vinegar. Apply the same way with a spray bottle. You also get to enjoy a lemony fresh scent.

Dry Solutions

1. Corn Meal This natural solution to ants is a little grim. When you put cornmeal out, the ants take it back to their colonies to eat it. They love to eat it, but their bodies can’t digest it. The cornmeal sits in their stomachs and expands until they explode. No more ants.

2. Salt Salt and salt solutions do not kill ants the way many people think. They just will not walk over salty areas. You can sprinkle dry salt or spray a water and salt solution over all the areas where ants are entering to solve the problem.

3. Coffee Grounds This is a well known natural remedy for ant infestations because they do not like the smell of coffee. Place coffee grounds at any ant entry points and they will turn around. You can also sprinkle coffee grounds in your garden to keep them away from the plants.

4. Chalk No one knows why, but ants won’t walk over chalk likes. As long as chalk lines don’t bother you, draw lines around your home with regular white chalk.

A Last Resort

Squish them! Every so often, a particularly bold ant or three will get past your security measures. Simply crush them with your fingers or use a napkin. Of course, remember to wash your hands after committing ant murder.

If these natural ant repellents don’t work the way you want, you can always reach out to a Las Vegas pest control company like R and C Pest Control. They know how important it is to attack an ant infestation at the root of the problem to keep them from coming back. For more information about a great Las Vegas pest control service, contact 702.257.2847.

Do You Know The Different Biting Bugs?

Warm weather means bugs of all kinds come out of hiding. All insects are generally annoying but the biting pests should be a primary concern for you and your family. Some bugs can transmit dangerous diseases with their bite.

Protect yourself and your family by knowing how to identify the particularly dangerous biting bugs. Then you can take the necessary steps to ward them off or treat a bite.

black-fly-biteBlack Flies

This year, black flies seem to be out in massive numbers. These pests are particularly frustrating because bug sprays don’t usually keep them at bay. Avon’s Skin So Soft oil has been recommended as a black fly repellent.

The black fly bite isn’t technically poisonous. These bites can usually be found on the back of necks or in a person’s hair. A bite by this bug can make lymph nodes swell up to the size of a firm pea. They can stay irritated for a long time but they aren’t dangerous. The best way to avoid a black fly bite is to retreat indoors at sunset.


When you combine warm weather and stagnant water, you get an infestation of mosquitoes. Regular bug sprays tend to keep these frustrating bugs at a distance. If you have children, it’s a good idea to spray standard bug sprays onto their clothing rather than their skin. For a repellant that is safe to use on sensitive skin, it is better to go natural. The Burt’s Bees insect stick is a good choice.

A mosquito bite starts small and looks similar to an ant bite. If the bite is irritated by scratching, they can become severely swollen and and painful. You can apply rubbing alcohol to a mosquito bite to try to reduce the swelling, itching, and redness. The recommended dose of Benadryl may help take off the edge as well.

If there is a particularly severe infestation of mosquitios around your home, it may be a good idea to contact a Las Vegas pest control service to handle the problem. Even with the best bug sprays, it can be difficult to protect yourself from the onslaught of this annoying pest.


While there are many types of ticks, the most important is the deer tick because it can be considered the most dangerous. The deer tick is a tiny red and black bug that carries Lyme disease. They live in heavily wooded areas and fields with lots of weeds and tall grasses. These dangerous pests are also not sensitive to bug sprays.

A bite from the deer tick is very dangerous if you don’t catch it in time. Check your family every 24 hours after possibly being exposed to them. If you find one on your body, the best way to remove it is to pull it off with your fingers.

It takes about 36 hours for the Lyme to travel from the body of the tick into your bloodsteam. If you catch the tick in time, you are safe. If not, you can experience flu-like symptoms or irritated rashes that look like a bull’s-eye. Other possible symptoms are pain and swelling in the joints and even Bell’s palsy. If you experience any of these symptoms, consult your doctor as soon as possible.

Don’t wait to contact the experts at R and C Pest Control if you see these bites on you or your family members. The longer the infestation takes over your home, they will cause much more damage. Call as soon as you see any signs of bites. For more information about a great Las Vegas pest control service, contact 702.257.2847.

Spotting Termites in Your Home

las vegas exterminators: up close photo of termite

Las Vegas may be unbearable during the summer, but the beautiful weather in the winter makes it all worth it. The temperature is so perfect in the winter. It’s cold but not unbearably cold. Even the few times it does snow, the ground doesn’t become hard to walk on.

Of course, there is one huge downfall to perfect Las Vegas winters. Termites tend to live in places where the ground doesn’t freeze. That means Las Vegas residents have to endure the horrors of these pesky critters.

Remember the quote from the Art of War: “It is said if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles.” If you don’t know anything about termites, they will take over your home.

Let’s take a quick lesson in termites.

Termites live similarly to ants. There whole lives consists of laying eggs, defending the colony and finding food. Unfortunately, their food is your house. Termites live off cellulose which is in most wood elements. Because most houses are made with wood elements, it becomes a feast for termite communities.

Termites live within the walls of your home, so how are you able to find them? Here are a few tips for detecting a termite infestation in your home.

Listen to your walls

Termites aren’t exactly quiet. There are usually hundreds of them in a community, so you should be able to hear a faint tapping within your walls. The muffled sounds you hear at night aren’t a figment of your imagination. You likely have a termite infestation.


Just like you, termites like to keep their residence clean. Because they are constantly eating, they will have to dispose of their waste somewhere, so what better place to do it then inside your home? If you find tiny bits of feces or dead termites inside your house, it’s usually a sign there is an infestation in your walls.

Soft spots

If you find that some of the wood in your home is weakening, termites could have invaded. You can test if your wood is weak by scratching it. If it feels soft to the touch, it’s starting to fall apart.

Small holes

As termites eat through the wood in your home, often times small holes may appear in your walls. In most cases, the holes are very tiny. It may take some time to find them so inspect your walls thoroughly.

Unfortunately, if you live in an older home, you may see holes or soft spots that were formed from a previous infestation. Before buying your home, you will get a home inspection. Typically, they will be able to find a termite inspection. If you do find any suspicious activity in your home, seek the help of a professional.

The Las Vegas exterminators at R & C Pest Control can effectively rid your home of these pesky critters. Don’t wait to contact an expert. The longer the infestation takes over your home, much more damage will occur. This can get extremely costly. Call an expert as soon as you see any signs of termites. For more information about Las Vegas pest control services, contact 702.257.2847.

Which Bugs Are Good And Which Are Bad?

A gardener with any degree of experience usually knows that there are both good and bad bugs that live in a garden. Make sure you know which is which before you call a Las Vegas exterminator to control your garden pests.

Good Bugs

Lady bugs may be the most well-known of the good bugs. These critters are so helpful because they eat aphids and add a pleasant touch of color to a garden.

Parasitic wasps are also one of the good guys, even though their name suggests something very different. It is called parasitic because this wasp lays its eggs on the larvae of tomato hornworms. The larvae of the wasp then eats up the tomato hornworms, much like parasites elsewhere in nature.

lacewig good bug


There are many other bugs that don’t pose a threat to a garden or its gardener. The lacewig is a beautiful, bright green bug that is attracted to light at night. This flying creature is harmless and is great for the ecosystem of a garden. The assassin bug is another helpful insect, because it is a trained killer. This creature is a dark, hairy bug with a massive appetite for other insects. This bug can inflict a painful bite if it feels threatened, so be careful around it.

Bad Bugs

Slugs and snails are well known garden nuisances that should be removed without an insecticide. Unless you are working on a large parcel of land with commercial plants, insecticides should be avoided as a general rule.

The potato beetle is not a friend to any garden. Both the beetle and the larvae have huge appetites that strip the leaves off plants. Without leaves plants are unable to photosynthesize, so they are unable to flourish. Catch the bugs, pluck them off your plants and place them in soapy water to remedy the issue. Do this instead of using an insecticide because you don’t want to kill the good bugs that are living in your garden alongside these culprits.

tomato hornworm with parasitic wasp larvae

Tomato hornworm covered with parasitic wasp larvae

Tomato hornworms can be considered the worst of the worst on this list. This long, light green worm is the larvae of a moth that can grow to be five inches long. This insect gets its name from the horn on their rear and they have a dangerous tendency to be aggressive.

The Japanese beetle is another dangerously hungry bug, introduced to the United Stated roughly 100 years ago. It is most commonly found in gardens with roses, grapes and plum trees because they love to eat the leaves off these fragrant flowers. To avoid the irrevocable damage they can cause, pick them carefully off the plants and place them in your soapy water. They can be caught more easily early in the morning.

The experts at R and C Pest Control are dedicated to keeping your home and garden pest free. No matter what type of infestation or how large, they can handle any job effectively. For more information about Las Vegas pest control, contact 702.257.2847.

Spider Mite Pest Control

Especially during the summer time, you may find that your plants are laced with a fine webbing. You may even start seeing tiny holes appear on the leaves. Unfortunately, these are the signs of a spider mite infestation. When this occurs, it is important that you take steps to get rid of them to prevent all your plants from dying.

What are spider mites?

spider mite looking for leavesMost species of the spider mite family reside in North America. They will attach to both indoor and outdoor plants. Spider mites are classified as a type of arachnid, which are relatives of spiders, ticks and scorpions. Adult spider mites are only about 1/50 inch long, which is about the size of a period dot.

Spite mites tend to reside in colonies, usually under leaves. They feed by biting the leaf tissue and sucking up the plant’s fluids. If the feeding continues, the leaves will eventually turn yellow and can even dry up and fall off. Spider mites are most commonly found in hot, dry conditions, like Las Vegas. They especially love areas where their natural enemies have been killed off.

Spider mites can be hard to detect initially, which is why there are usually heavy infestations by the time someone notices the damage. Spider mites enjoy strawberries, melons, beans, tomatoes, eggplant, ornamental flowers, trees and most houseplants.

How long do spider mites live?

If spider mites have taken residence in a plant, they will begin laying their eggs on the leaves during winter. As the temperature warms in spring, the eggs will begin hatching and the larvae will feed for a few days before seeking shelter. Once they find shelter, they will molt into the first nymphal stage. They still have to pass through two more molts before becoming full-grown adults.

Female spider mites will produce as many as 300 eggs in just a few weeks. Hot weather conditions will speed up the process. In the middle of summer, it may only take 5 days for the spider mite to go from egg to adult.

How do you get rid of spider mites?

Certain chemical pesticides will only make the infestation worse, because it kills insects that prey on them. Spider mites are even able to develop a resistance to many pesticides. Because of this, you can only use natural, organic methods to get rid of spider mites.

First, discard any plants that are infested. This will prevent them from further spreading. Insects such as ladybugs, lacewings and predatory mites are the spider mite’s natural enemies. These types of insects won’t badly affect your plants and they can easily be purchased in many stores.

Spider mites are attracted to dust, so it is important that you wash away any dust with water. Spider mites are also attracted to plants in need of watering, so you need to properly maintain your plants.

When all else fails and you can’t seem to control the spider mite infestation, an exterminator will have to do the job for you. The experts at R and C Pest Control are dedicated to keeping your home pest free. No matter what type of infestation or how large, they can handle any job effectively. For more information about Las Vegas pest control, contact 702.257.2847.

Getting Rid of Bees

tips for removing bees from homeBees can be an extremely annoying issue. With many people allergic to bee stings, it can be a major problem having a swarm of bees anywhere near your home. Here are some tips for removing bees from your house.

In the Home

  1. First and foremost, it’s important to know you are dealing with bees and not wasps or hornets. Bees perform a valuable function in nature and are generally not very dangerous, so avoid killing them whenever possible. Wasps and hornets tend to be much more aggressive, so be sure you are taking the appropriate action to handle your pests.
  2. After you’ve confirmed you have honey bees, call a beekeeper. He or she is qualified to safely and effectively remove the bees from enclosed spaces. Bees prefer spaces like wall cavities, roofs and chimneys.
  3. Another option is to call an exterminator, or purchase your own pesticides to kill the bees. Only take this step if local beekeepers are unwilling or unable to remove a nest from your home.

In the Garden

  1. The easiest option to tackle unwanted bees is to do nothing and wait for bee season to pass. Bees are rarely aggressive, unless they feel threatened. If you leave them alone until the cold winter months, the worker bees will die and the queens will relocate, leaving you safe to remove the hive.
  2. Call a beekeeper if you want to remove the problem without committing mass genocide. A qualified beekeeper can transfer the bees to a hive box and remove them from your property.
  3. Relocate the bees to an area away from your house by carefully cutting out the tree section with the bees. Just remember to wear the appropriate protective clothing and to place the hive in an area where it won’t accidentally be agitated.
  4. Use pesticides to exterminate the bees if you don’t have the time, resources or the patience to safely remove or relocate them. Apply insecticides by following the directions on the label, while wearing protective clothing.

Preventative Measures

  1. Seal any holes in the exterior of your home’s walls to prevent bees from ever entering. Look for holes or cracks that can fit a pencil and seal them with caulk.
  2. Fill any wall cavities you find with expandable foam, to keep bees from building a hive if they manage to get into the wall.
  3. Remove any traces of honey or beeswax, since bees are naturally attracted to places where other bees have already lived. They can smell traces of previous hives, so be careful to remove these substances completely once the hive is gone. This can be done with a power hose for outdoor traces and strong cleaning products or fresh paint for indoor traces.
  4. Use natural repellents to keep bees from being attracted to your home or yard. Citronella plants and candles and cucumber peels scattered throughout your garden are effective ways to repel bees naturally. A basin of sugar water will also do the job. This is because they are believed to be attracted to the honey-like scent and will drown themselves in the water.

Save yourself time and energy by calling a Las Vegas pest control company to take care of the problem within a day. The exterminators at R & C Pest Control are dedicated to creating pest free environments for their clients. For more information about bed bug pest control, contact 702.257.2847.

Searching A Hotel Room For Bed Bugs

bed at hotelYou’re all packed and ready to go on vacation. As the plane touches down in your destination city, a moment of terror strikes you. What if there are bed bugs in the hotel room? This is a genuine concern to have, but by being careful, you can avoid bringing home any unwanted souvenirs.

Nowadays you can research a hotel online to learn everything about it. There are often reports about bed bugs, but these review aren’t always reliable. Some of them are fake and infestations can change on a day-to-day basis. When you initially arrive to your hotel room, follow these steps to ensure you aren’t sleeping with pesky bugs.

Step 1: Put your luggage in the bathtub

Luggage is the easiest way for bed bugs to get transported from place to place. The bathroom is least likely to be infested with pests and is also the most vigorously cleaned part of the hotel room. If you do happen to find bed bugs during your search, you can take your bags out of the tub and leave without risking contamination.

Step 2: Tear the room apart

Move the bed away from the wall. Often times the headboards are fastened to the wall, which can make a great home for bed bugs to reside. Use a flashlight to get a good visual behind the headboards and underneath the bed. Strip all the blankets and sheets off the bed. Check the ridges along the mattress and even check the box springs underneath the mattress. After you have effectively searched through the bed, inspect the nightstands. Open the drawers and carefully examine the corners. Finally, inspect the luggage rack by lifting up the fabric. Often times, bed bugs like to remain within 20 feet of the host. This means in a small hotel room, bed bugs could hide in nearly any crevice in the room.

Step 3: Check your sheets in the morning

Even if you have thoroughly stripped and searched the room, it is still possible that you missed a couple bed bugs. Humans act as a food source for bed bugs, so they will bite you while you are sleeping. Check your sheets for little blood stains or rust spots, because that could be a sign you were bitten. Not everyone will have a reaction to a bed bug bite. Some could have itchiness and swelling while others won’t react at all.

What do you do if you find bed bugs?

First, take your luggage and get away from the room. Just because one room has bed bugs doesn’t mean every room will. You can ask to changes rooms or you can find another hotel. Finding bed bugs in a hotel room doesn’t mean that the hotel is bad, it simply means that someone transported the pests from somewhere else. Bed bugs love to latch on to luggage, so they aren’t hard to transport. When you do get a new room, be sure to repeat the process of inspecting the room.

Fortunately, it is fairly simply to get rid of bed bugs. A Las Vegas pest control company can take care of the problem within a day. The exterminators at R & C Pest Control are dedicated to creating pest free environments for their clients. For more information about bed bug pest control, contact 702.257.2847.

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

“Sleep tight and don’t let the bed bugs bite!” Many people will tell this to their children when tucking them in at night, and for most, it’s just a fun expression to help the child sleep better. However, bed bugs are very real. They haven’t always been a problem in the US, but recently bed bugs have become a major nuisance in society.

What are bed bugs?

bed bug close upThough their name doesn’t sound real, bed bugs are small, wingless insects that feed on animal and human blood. They are only about a half a centimeter long, which is about the size of a match head. They are reddish-brown in color, but can be hard to detect because of their small size. Bed bugs can be extremely irritating, and can leave red, raised bumps on your skin. Fortunately, they don’t carry or transmit diseases.

Even though bed bugs don’t pose a serious threat, they are very annoying to deal with. They will bite any exposed area of your body while you are sleeping, which will leave your face and arms covered in itchy bumps. Sometimes the itch may not go away for a few weeks. The bumps may not show up immediately, and could take a few days to appear. Similar to other bug bites, scratching will only cause them to get worse. If they become inflamed, it could mean they are infected. This would require you to seek medical attention.

Where are bed bugs found?

Bed bugs get their name because they are frequently found in beds, but this isn’t the only place they hide. Bed bugs can be found in any upholstered furniture, along with any type of clothing. They will even hangout on your backpacks or luggage, and follow you outside of your home. Bed bugs will also hide in nightstands, baseboards and any cracks in the walls or floors. Basically, bed bugs can be found in nearly every room of your home.

How do I get rid of bed bugs?

Keeping your house clean on a regular basis will diminish the amount of bed bugs in your home, and vacuuming everything on a daily basis will help. This includes vacuuming any cracks and crevices in your walls. After you have effectively vacuumed the entire house, dispose of the vacuum bag immediately in an outside trash can. Bed bugs can easily climb their way out of the bag, so avoid another infestation by disposing of it outside your home.

Wash your clothes and sheets in hot water that is at least 120 degrees. This will kill any bed bugs that latched themselves onto your clothing. Dry all the items on the hottest setting for at least 20 minutes, which should effectively kill all the bed bugs. For items that shouldn’t go in the washing machine, just putting them in the dryer will be as effective.

In cases of bad infestations, you may have to get rid of your mattresses and other furniture. When you do this, take them as far away from your house as possible to avoid them coming back in. Take these items to a dump instead of leaving them on your curb.

The most effective and sure fire way to get rid of the bed bugs is to hire a Las Vegas exterminator. The experts at R & C Pest Control are dedicated to making your home pest-free. If you have an exterminator come to your home on a regular basis, the bed bugs shouldn’t return. For more information about Las Vegas pest control services, contact 702.257.2847.

Treating your Pets for Bee Stings

Dogs and cats are curious creatures. Any insect they come in encounter with, they will either try to kill or play with. What happens if your beloved pet gets stung by a bee or wasp? Here are tips for taking care of a bee sting.

Moment of the Sting

dog after bee stingUsually if your dog or cats gets stung, the area will be tender and have swelling. Pets are most commonly stung on the paws or face, and a sting to the nose is going to be more painful for the animal. If the dog or cat was stung inside their mouth, you need to seek the services of a veterinarian as soon as possible. These stings could be very dangerous, and the swelling could block the airway. It is important to act quickly. If only the area that was stung is swollen, it is a localized reaction to the sting. You need to remove the stinger from your pet as quickly as possible, which will prevent the venom from spreading any further. The stinger can release venom into your pet for up to three minutes after being injected.

Do not try to squeeze the stinger out with your fingers. This could cause the venom sac to rupture, which would expose more venom in your pet. The most efficient way to remove a stinger is by scraping it out with a credit card. Keep a close eye on your pet and make sure the swelling does not increase or spread to other areas.

You also need to be aware of the different types of stinging insects. A bee’s stinger is designed to kill the bee after it is injected. However, a wasp can sting multiple times if provoked. If needed, contact a veterinarian. They will most likely advise you to give your pet Benadryl, and the vet will instruct you of the correct dosage based on your pet’s weight. The product must contain diphenhydramine, as anything else could be fatal for your pet.

After the Sting

After you have removed the stinger from your pet, you need to create a remedy to sooth the pain. Applying a mixture of water and baking soda to the affected area can help reduce pain. You should also apply an icepack to the wound so the swelling will go down.

You also need to watch for signs of an allergic reaction. If your pet is having difficulty breathing or the swelling has extended, you need to take your pet to a vet immediately. Also, if your pet was stung multiple times, it will require a trip to the vet.

If you have a bee or wasp problem in your home, you need to get it taken care of as soon as possible. You should avoid the possibility of your pet getting stung at all costs. There is no reason your animal should have to go through that pain. R & C Pest Control can take care of the problem at an affordable cost. The Las Vegas exterminators are dedicated to making your home insect-free. Regardless the size of the infestation, they can handle it. For more information about pest control services, contact 702.257.2847.

Choosing the right pest control company

If you have a pest problem in your home, leave it to the professionals to get rid of the bugs. A professional pest control company is the only way you can be sure that the insects inside your house get exterminated completely. But when you are considering your options ofLas Vegas pest control companies, how do you know which one to choose? Here are some questions to ask to make sure the job gets done correctly.

Is the company licensed?pest control company

The state or city will issue a pest control license to the company, and each exterminator also needs to obtain their own license. This means that potential exterminators have to pass an exam, so make sure that the company’s license is up to date. You can contact the state pesticide agency to find out about the company’s certifications.

Does the company have a good track record?

If you ask an employee of the company, they will likely brag about their services. You need to research the company yourself to be sure. Ask your friends and family if they have used the company, and check out their Yelp page for more reviews. If you are really curious, you can call the Better Business Bureau to find out what complaints the company has received. If the feedback is mostly positive, the company is probably a good choice.

Does the company have insurance?

Pest control companies should have general liability insurance. This includes insurance for sudden and accidental pollution and protects you in the event of an accident. Contractors usually carry proof of insurance with them, so many pest control companies are not required to buy insurance. However, it is smart to hire one that does have insurance.

Is the company affiliated with a professional pest control association?

Professional associations can be at the national, state or local level, and members are usually required to honor a code of ethics. These associations are a way to keep members informed of new developments in pest control methods, safety, training, research and regulations. If a company is a member of an association, it means that they care about the quality of their service.

Does the company guarantee its work?

If a company does not openly guarantee its work, you should be skeptical. This means they are lacking confidence in their abilities, and could be an indication that they aren’t good at their job. It is also important that you keep your end of the bargain. If the company has exterminated your termites but you make structural changes to your home, the termites could return. This would not be the fault of the pest control company.

R and C Pest Control can offer quality service at an affordable price. The Las Vegas exterminators are dedicated to keeping your home a pest-free environment. Customer satisfaction is their primary concern, and no matter what insect your home may be infested with, R and C Pest Control will take care of the problem. R and C Pest Control have been in business for a long time, and are confident that the exterminators can handle any size of infestation. For more information about pest control services, contact 702.257.2847.